Hello Dolphins!
It was 27 degrees the other morning! Winter is here. Yet, we know that it gets hot in the summer and we love our pool! As you are sipping your hot chocolate and resting by the fire, we wanted you to have more warm ideas and items to put on your calendars. We are planning for a great swim season and have the swim meet dates for you.
Tuesday, June 8th AWAY at Brookberry Farm
Tuesday, June 15th AWAY at Waterford
Thursday, June 17th AWAY at Old Town Club
Tuesday, June 22rd HOME with Sherwood
Tuesday, June 29th HOME with Westwood
Tuesday, July 6th HOME with New Sherwood
FINALS Sunday July 11th
At this time, we truly do not know any of the guidelines, restrictions or limitations we may be under so we honestly have NO answers. But, there is hope that we will have swimmers in the water and fun times to be had.
Please stay warm, happy and healthy and we look forward to sharing more information in the coming months!!
Kelly Doud and Ashley McNeill