Peace Haven Civic Association, Inc. Swimming Pool Rules
All persons using the pool do so at their own risk, and Peace Haven Civic Association, Inc. assumes no responsibility for injury or damage resulting from such use.
The responsibility of parents and/or adult members who accompany children to use the pool continues while children are in or near the pool or on Association property.
The following rules and regulations are for the protection and benefit of all users of the pool facility and are designed to assure safe and sanitary operation of your pool. Members are expected to see to it that their children observe all rules and obey all instructions of the lifeguard(s) and other pool attendants. Repeated failure to comply with these rules shall be considered sufficient cause for suspension of privileges and/or fine.
The pool lifeguard(s) and manager are in complete charge and will man one or two of the chairs provided during all operating hours except as follows:
● During regular 10-minute rest periods
● On scheduled adult-only nights
Lifeguards may remove any toy or object from the pool that they deem unsafe or a nuisance to other swimmers. The following are prohibited at all times:
- Glass or other breakable objects
- Smoking or vaping on pool property
- Bathing Suit Bottoms That Are Not FULL COVERAGE
- Hard balls (e.g., footballs) in or around pool
- Any balls around sitting areas (deck furniture)
- Inflatable rafts or tubes
- High-power water guns (blasters, soakers, etc.)
- Running inside the fenced area
- Pushing others into the water
- Wall Ball At High Occupancy Times
- Dunking
- Towel snapping
- Littering
- Spitting
- Foul language
- Indecent behavior
- Sitting on tables or otherwise abusing furniture or equipment
- Riding motor vehicles in the park (motorcycles, minibikes, etc.) (Only vehicles required for maintenance or emergency are permitted.)
- One non-swimmer per adult is recommended in the large pool. If one adult is responsible for more than one non-swimmer in the large pool, each non-swimmer must wear an approved flotation device and always remain within arms-length of the adult.
- Only one person is permitted on the diving board at a time. A member must be able to swim unaccompanied to the pool exit in order to use the diving board. No one is allowed in the diving well when the diving board is in use. Flotation devices are not permitted on the diving board. Hanging, bouncing, or swimming under the board is prohibited.
- Members must stay clear of the guard chairs. Communication with lifeguards is to be kept to a minimum. Members are to refrain from distracting lifeguards from their duties.
- All candy wrappers, drink cans, etc. must be placed in the proper receptacles. During any rest period, or when deemed necessary by the lifeguard, the pool area will be cleared by “Litter Bugs” before swimming will be continued.
- Battery-operated TVs, radios, CD players, or other devices may be played softly on pool property at the discretion of the lifeguards. Under no condition shall such devices be connected to pool electrical facilities.
- All accidents must be reported to the lifeguard immediately.
- There will be a 10-minute rest period each hour for all members 17 and under. During breaks, the pool may be used only by members 18 and older, and by non-swimming children 4 and under when accompanied by a parent.
- A series of rapid blasts on the whistle will be used by the lifeguard as an emergency signal. The pool will be cleared immediately and the lifeguard will direct those present to render assistance as necessary.
- In the event that two non-swimmers are under the care of the same parent or responsible person, with one child being old enough for the large pool and one still using the baby pool, the child in the baby pool must be supervised inside the baby pool fence. A responsible person must be assigned to closely supervise the non-swimmer in the large pool. It is the parent’s responsibility to see that both children are properly supervised.
- All persons should keep the stairs clear for safe entry and exit of pool.
- All persons, especially children, are requested to use toilet facilities before entering the pool.
- All persons should shower before entering the pool.
- Persons with skin eruptions, open sores, bandages, etc. are not permitted in the pool.
- Bathing suits are the only attire to be worn in the pool. No cutoffs are allowed.
- Should a lifeguard detect a swimmer becoming chilled or exhausted, it is his/her responsibility to attend to the swimmer by enforcing a responsible rest period.
- Pets are not allowed.
Baby Pool
- The baby pool is for the use of children 5 and under only. All children must be supervised by a parent or other responsible person inside the fenced area of the baby pool. Please be considerate of other members.
- Applicable rules listed under “Pool Rules” must be observed. These will be enforced.
- Toys and inflated swimming aids are permitted. Inflatable rafts are not permitted.
Minimum Age of Admission
- The minimum age for any child to enter the pool grounds without supervision is 9 years. Children 8 and under must be supervised by an adult or responsible person (sibling, babysitter) who is at least age 14. This will be enforced.
- Children age 9-13 may be admitted to the pool grounds without an adult only after they have demonstrated swimming ability and conduct to the satisfaction of the lifeguards, as specified on the Red Cross Advanced Beginner swimming course.
a. Each child must demonstrate to the lifeguard the ability to: 1)Enter shallow water and swim the complete length of the pool using elementary backstroke, backstroke, and/or hand-over-hand stroke (free style). 2) Swim in place for 30 seconds.
b. Each child must be retested at the start of every season, whether or not they have passed the test previously.
c. A written list of children who have passed this test will be kept by the lifeguards on pool grounds. The list must include the child’s name, the date the test was passed, and emergency contact information.
d. Non-swimmers age 13 and under will not be admitted without an adult.
e. The Board recommends that families provide emergency contact information for unaccompanied minors of any age.
- Out-of-town guests (from outside Forsyth County) will be permitted to use the pool when accompanied by a member at any time during pool hours.
- Any in-town, non-member guest may visit the pool no more than FIVE times per summer for a fee of $5/visit. Guests must be accompanied by a pool member. Students living in dormitories and other guests who maintain temporary residence in Forsyth County are considered residents requiring admission fee.
- Free guests (from inside or outside the membership area) are allowed for Teen and Adult Nights (limit 2 per member). Certain events may require an admission charge. Guests must be accompanied by a member and properly registered.
- Members are responsible for their guest’s fees as they enter. The lifeguard will collect fees from members if member does not approach the guard first.
Identification of Swimmers
- All members are required to check-in upon entering the pool.
- All guests must be registered and accompanied by a host member.
Rule Changes
- Rules will be reviewed periodically by the Board of Directors for necessary changes. Any suggestions are invited and should be submitted in writing to the Board.
- All complaints regarding the operation of the pool or concerns with Pool Management Company should be reported to the manager or the Board of Directors.
Pool Hours
- Pool operating hours will be set each year by the Board. This schedule will be posted under the “Hours” page of the website.
- Swimming or entering the locked pool area outside regular pool operating hours is strictly prohibited, unless specifically designated by the Board.
- Pool hours may be changed by the manager due to inclement weather or emergency conditions. The pool will be cleared immediately after each incidence of thunder and/or lightning and will remain clear a minimum of 30 minutes.