Summer 2020 Swim Team News!
We want your kids in the pool swimming!! Wow, what a year and what a summer! Hopefully you have remained healthy and enjoyed your time at the pool. This summer has really made us appreciate everything we have. Many of us have really missed our swim team and we have been given an opportunity to let these amazing Dolphins have some structured swimming. What a GREAT way to end our summer and get us ready for next year.
Starting September 8th, we are offering time slots for swimmers. There are times per age group and need to continue to follow all precautions. Our coaches will guide your swimmers through exercises and correct swimming rules.
Our swimming will run from September 8th (Tuesday) to Friday October 2nd
This gives 16 opportunities for swim instruction!! Your swimmer may come as many nights as your family can manage. We hope it is a great way to finish their evening after a full day of school.
The cost is $30 per swimmer. This fee helps us to pay the coaches and continue to have the pool open for team access. Please fill this form HERE.
Swimming Fee needs to be paid by September 10th (Thursday)
Please make checks payable to Peach Haven Civic Association (PHCA)
**If you choose to pay in cash, please make sure you have your name and your child’s name attached and give to Kelly Doud or Ashley McNeill.
Additional Information:
We ask that the parents drop off their swimmers in the parking lot, or walk only to the gate. This helps us keep our numbers down on the deck and maintain our distance. We will watch for parent pick up and make sure no swimmer leaves the pool area without someone aware of the location of parents.
Please join the Remind. This will allow us to communicate information and weather changes.
Enter: 81010
Text @teamofsw
We will not meet on Monday September 7th, Labor Day
We will start on Tuesday September 8th and swim to Friday October 2nd. This will be the ONLY Friday.
Monday thru Thursday evenings:
5:30 to 6:00 pm – 6 and 7 year old
6:00 to 6:45 – 8 to 10 year olds, there will be some dry land exercises as we switch age groups
6:45 to 7:30 – 11 to 13 year old, also dry land exercises
7:30 to 8:15 – 14 and up
8:15 – clean up and lock up
If you have any questions, please reach out to Ashley McNeill or Kelly Doud
Ashley, cell number 336-749-7826
Kelly , cell number 336-971-3247